Everyone was so nice & explained everything and took time to listen to what I had to say as we went through the physical. No big waiting time.


I’ve been going to Britney for almost 2 years. Her and her staff are great and very easy to talk to. I love that there’s barely ever a wait time as our time is important just as theirs is,...


I cannot express how amazing & knowledgeable Britney is. I was so impressed with my results that I could not wait to share them with everyone! Britney’s treatment is more than just a “skin care treatment,” it is a...


I came to JHWC looking for something to help with my fine lines and wrinkles. I did four TempSure Envi treatments and I loved each one! I did treatments on my lunch hour and no one knew I had...


JHWC is amazing. Not only did they get me in and out in a timely manner, but they are super friendly. I had a wonderful experience and highly recommend you go see them!


After spending hours on telehealth and looking at myself every day, I know it was time to start working on myself. I researched Botox and since I already trusted Britney with my healthcare, it was only natural for me...


Britney is one of a kind. The best listener when it comes to figuring out your health needs! The staff are always helpful and responsive!


Britney has helped me in my quest to having younger looking skin! Botox is the best!